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Why does my dog eat Poop and How Can I Get Them to Stop?

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

A dog on the lawn in front of a house
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Hey there, if you're reading this, chances are you have a furry friend who has a bit of a poop-eating habit. Don't worry, you're not alone! I've stumbled upon some pretty interesting stories about dogs indulging in this gross behaviour. Some are hilarious, some are just plain sad. Either way, I'm sure you can relate to at least a few of them.


One dog owner shared that their furry friend enjoys eating poop, considering it a treat. The dog is quick to run towards the poop and devour it before the owner can pick it up. Even during walks, the dog tries to snatch poop from other dogs. Fresh or frozen, it doesn't matter – the dog loves it all.

Scenario 2

Another dog owner wrote, "My dog eats poop because she is anxious. She goes out into the backyard and eats her poop. I can smell it on her breath, and the thought of her licking me after she's eaten her faeces is revolting. I've tried everything to get her to stop doing that, but nothing seems to work."

Scenario 3

A third dog owner wrote, "My dog eats poop because he is curious. He likes to explore new things, and sometimes he finds poop that smells interesting to him. He will sniff it, lick it, and sometimes eat it. He doesn't do it all the time, but when he does, I have to brush his teeth and give him a treat to make him forget about it."


Dogs and their fascinating, yet somewhat peculiar, eating habits always manage to keep us on our toes. Among these curious behaviours, one that often puzzles pet owners is the tendency of some dogs to indulge in the not-so-appetizing act of poop consumption. While this behaviour may leave us scratching our heads, there are a few potential reasons behind this canine curiosity. Let's explore this fascinating topic and unravel the mystery of why some dogs find themselves irresistibly drawn to this less-than-appetizing delicacy.

Common Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop

A dog eating poop can be normal in the following scenarios:

Dog nursing her puppies
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  1. They Are Nursing. Nursing female dogs often eat the poop of their young to keep their den clean.

  2. It’s Instinctual. A 2018 survey published in Veterinary Medicine and Science hypothesizes that dogs eat poop as a behaviour inherited from their wolf ancestors, who may have eaten faeces to prevent the spread of parasites or to avoid attracting predators.

  3. They Are Curious. Some dogs may eat poop simply because they are curious or bored, especially if they are young or have limited stimulation.

  4. They Are Hungry. Dogs who are not fed enough, have poor-quality food or have parasites that interfere with nutrient absorption may eat poop to satisfy their hunger or nutritional needs.

Abnormal Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop

A dog eating poop can also be a sign of an underlying health problem, such as:

Dog and a vet
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  1. Diseases of the Intestinal Tract Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption syndrome, or pancreatic insufficiency can affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to increased appetite or ingestion of inappropriate items (called pica).

  2. Diseases of the Liver or Brain Disorders that affect the liver or brain can cause changes in behaviour, appetite, or cognition, which may result in poop eating.

  3. Anxiety or Stress Dogs who suffer from anxiety or stress may develop compulsive behaviours such as poop-eating to cope with their emotions.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Poop

The first step to stop your dog from eating poop is to visit your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes. Your vet may perform a physical exam, blood tests, fecal analysis, or other diagnostic tests to determine the cause and treatment of your dog's behavior.

If your dog's poop eating is not caused by a health problem, you can try some of the following strategies to discourage it

  • Keep the Environment Clean. The easiest way to prevent your dog from eating poop is to remove it as soon as possible from your yard, house, or walks.

  • Use Deterrents. You can try adding some natural or commercial products to your dog's food or the faeces that make them taste bitter or unpleasant. However, these products may not work for all dogs or may lose their effectiveness over time.

  • Train Your Dog. You can teach your dog to leave or drop the poop on command using positive reinforcement. You can also redirect your dog's attention to a toy or treat when they approach the poop.

  • Provide Enough Exercise and Mental Stimulation. You can reduce your dog's boredom and curiosity by giving them enough physical and mental activity every day. you can also provide them with high-quality food and fresh water to meet their nutritional needs.

Some Natural deterrents for poop-eating are:
Natural remedies for stopping your dog eating poop
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Pineapple. Some people claim that adding fresh or canned pineapple to your dog's food can make their poop taste bad. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and some dogs may still eat their poop even with pineapple.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and water, which can help improve your dog's digestion and stool quality. It may also make their poop less appealing to eat.

Parsley. Parsley is a natural breath freshener that can also aid in digestion. It may deter your dog from eating poop by making it taste bitter or unpleasant.

Yucca Schidigera. Yucca schidigera is a plant that possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties. It may also reduce the odour of your dog's faeces and urine, making them less attractive to eat.

Essential Information:

You can try adding these natural deterrents to your dog's food or water, but be careful not to overdo it as they may cause digestive upset or allergic reactions in some dogs. You should also consult your veterinarian before trying any new supplements or remedies for your dog.

Commercial products that claim to deter dogs from eating poopThere are many commercial products that claim to deter dogs from eating poop, but not all of them are effective or safe for your dog. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a product are:

  • The ingredients and dosage of the product. Some products contain natural enzymes, probiotics, or herbs that help with digestion and make the poop less appealing to the dog. Others contain artificial flavorsflavour, chemicals, or additives that may cause side effects or allergies .

  • The form and palatability of the product. Some products come in chewable tablets, soft chews, powder, or liquid form. You need to find a product that your dog will willingly eat and that is easy to administer. Some products may also have a strong smell or taste that your dog may not like

  • The effectiveness and consistency of the product. Some products may work faster than others, but you need to use them regularly and follow the instructions for best results. You also need to monitor your dog's behaviour and stool quality to see if the product is working or not .

Some examples of commercial products for deterring dogs from eating poop are:

  • PetNC Stool Eating Deterrent - a budget-friendly option that contains natural enzymes and yucca extract to reduce the odor and taste of the poop.

  • NaturVet Stool Eating Deterrent - a hypoallergenic option that contains natural enzymes, probiotics, parsley leaf, and chamomile to aid digestion and calm the dog.

  • Solid Gold Stop Eating Poop - a dual-action option that contains natural enzymes, peppermint oil, parsley oil, and green tea extract to deter poop eating and support gut health.

  • FOR-BID Coprophagia Deterrent - a fast-acting option that contains wheat gluten and sodium glutamate to alter the taste of the poop and make it unpleasant for the dog.

  • CoProvent Coprophagia Soft Chews - a palatable option that contains natural enzymes, yucca extract, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder to discourage poop eating and reduce stool odour.

These are some of the behaviour products on the market, but you should always consult your veterinarian before using any product for your dog.


Poop eating is a common but undesirable behaviour in dogs that can have various causes and solutions. If your dog eats poop, you should consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical problems and follow their advice on how to stop it. By keeping your dog healthy, happy, and well-behaved, you can enjoy a cleaner and more pleasant relationship with your furry friend.


Dogs eating poop, also known as coprophagia, is common with various causes. This article explores both normal and abnormal reasons why dogs engage in this behaviour. Normal reasons include nursing, instinct, curiosity, and hunger. Abnormal reasons include diseases of the intestinal tract, liver or brain disorders, and anxiety or stress. To stop this behaviour, behaviours it is important to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems. Strategies to discourage poop eating include keeping the environment clean, using deterrents, training the dog, and providing enough exercise and mental stimulation. The article also mentions natural deterrents like pineapple, pumpkin, parsley, and yucca schidigera. Additionally, commercial products that claim to deter dogs from eating poop are discussed, along with examples like PetNC Stool Eating Deterrent and Solid Gold Stop Eating Poop. It's emphasized that consulting a veterinarian is crucial before trying any product. The conclusion highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with your dog by addressing thisbehaviour behavior.

Check out these additional Resources on the subject

I hope this blog post helps you understand why your dog eats poop and how to stop it.

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